Metro Christian Academy

Parent Teacher Fellowship By-Laws

Article I. NAME

Section 1.01 The name of the association shall be called Metro Christian Academy Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF).


Section 2.01 To promote the total welfare-spiritual, intellectual and physical- of the students in the home, school, church and community.

Section 2.02 To bring a closer relationship to the home and the school so the school administration, teachers and parents may operate intelligently in the Christian training of the students.

Section 2.03 To help secure monies through activities, projects and donations for financial support of the school in cooperation and with the approval of the Tulsa Christian Education Corporation.


Section 3.01 The purpose of PTF shall be to develop unity among school personnel, parents and students by establishing specific goals relating to the total curriculum, the spiritual development and the continued growth of the school.

Section 3.02 PTF shall be noncommercial, interdenominational and non-partisan.

Section 3.03 PTF shall not seek to direct the administration activities of the school or to control its policies.


Section 4.01 General Membership: Teachers, staff, administration, parents and grandparents of children enrolled at Metro Christian Academy are eligible for general membership.

Section 4.02 Associate Membership: Any person who is interested in the objectives for which PTF is organized may, upon his/her request, become an associate member, but shall not be eligible to hold office or to vote.

Section 4.03 Dues or membership fees will be set by the Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF) Executive Board. Current dues are $40 per family, teacher, staff or administrator (effective July 2023)


Section 5.01 General meetings of the PTF will be held at least 2 times between September and may. Attendees shall include the PTF Executive Board, the Chairman of Standing, and Special Committees, the Headmaster and Principal(s) or a representative appointed by those persons. All General meetings shall be open to anyone interested in attending.

Section 5.02 The PTF Executive Board shall meet prior to the General meeting to act upon necessary financial transactions along with decisions related to the administration of PTF.

Section 5.03 Special meetings of PTF may be called by the president(s) or by a majority of the PTF Executive Board, five (5) days (written or verbal) notice have been given.

Section 5.04 The election meeting shall be held in April or May.

Section 5.05 The transaction or business at PTF meetings will be determined by a simple majority vote of those in attendance.


Section 6.01 Each officer of the PTF Executive Board shall be a member of the PTF organization.

Section 6.02 Nomination and Election of Executive Officers.

a) There shall be a nominating committee composed of six (6) PTF members who shall be selected by the PTF Executive Board at least one month prior to the election of officers. The nominating Committee shall include at least one PTF Executive Board member. The current Past President(s) presides over this committee with the President(s)- Elect as one of the committee members.

b) The officers at the PTF shall consist of a President(s), a President(s)-Elect, one or two Vice-Presidents of the high school, two Vice-Presidents of the middle school, two Vice-Presidents of the elementary school, a secretary, a Treasurer, a Treasurer-Elect, a Community Events Coordinator and a Chaplain.

c) The nominating committee shall nominate an eligible person for each office to be filled. Only those persons who have signified their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for, or elected to, such office.

d) A person shall not be eligible to serve more than two executive terms in the same office. An exception. may be made in approved by the Executive Board when a reasonable effort has been made to fill an existing vacancy.

e) The slate of nominees shall be posted at least one week before the election at a meeting.

f) The nominated slate of executive officers shall be introduced and approved annually at a spring meeting.

g) Officers shall assume their official duties following the close of the regular school year and shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected or as set out in Article VI, Section 2 subparagraph d above.

Section 6.03 Vacancies

a) A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the PTF Executive Board, notice of such election having been given at least one week prior to the election. In case a vacancy occurs in the office of the President(s), the President(s)-Elect, or the Vice-Presidents, in order of succession shall notify the membership of the nomination and/or election.


Section 7.01 The President(s) shall reside at all meetings of the PTF and the PTF Executive Board, shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these By-Laws or assigned that person by the PTF Executive Board, and shall coordinate the work of the Executive Board and Standing and Special Committees in order that the objectives, as listed on page one, may be prompted.

Section 7.02 The President(s) shall serve as chairperson(s) of the Nominating Committee.

Section 7.03 The President(s)-Elect should have served at least one year on the PTF executive Board, or as a Standing or Special Committee Chairman, shall act as an aide to the President(s) by insuring a smooth transfer of officers, and shall perform the duties of the President(s) in the absence or disability of that officer to act.

Section 7.04 The Vice-President of the High School shall act as aides to the President(s), coordinate the work of the standing committees of the PTF that are necessary to person the objective of the organization, and shall report the activities, needs and successes of the high school. The high school Vice-Presidents shall perform the duties of the Presidents in the absence or disability of that office to act in succession after the President(s)-Elect.

Section 7.05 The Vice-President of the Middle School shall act as aides to the President(s), coordinate the work of the standing committees of the PTF that are necessary to person the objective of the organization, and shall report the activities, needs and successes of the middle school. The middle school Vice-Presidents shall perform the duties of the Presidents in the absence or disability of that office to act in succession after the President(s)-Elect.

Section 7.06 The Vice-President of the elementary shall act as aides to the President(s), coordinate the work of the standing committees of the PTF that are necessary to person the objective of the organization, and shall report the activities, needs and successes of the elementary. The elementary Vice-Presidents shall perform the duties of the Presidents in the absence or disability of that office to act in succession after the President(s)-Elect.

Section 7.07 The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds turned over to the Treasurer and those funds in the bank account of PTF. Individual fundraising chairpersons are responsible for monies earned until those funds are turned over to the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for paying bills in a prompt and proper manner. The Treasurer shall keep a full and accurate account of all receipts and expenditures of PTF. A separate checking account for PTF funds will be maintained. A full report shall be made before any records or monies are turned over to his/her successor. The Tulsa Christian Education Corporation Board of Trustees, Finance Committee may request an examination of records. The Treasurer will provide records upon this request. Any expenditure of the PTF funds over the amount of $250 which has not previously been approved/designated must be presented for approval by the simple majority vote of the PTF Executive Board.

Section 7.08 The Treasurer-Elect shall aid the Treasurer, performing duties assigned by the Treasurer in preparation for assuming this office.

Section 7.09 The Secretary shall notify all board members of meetings, take minutes at all PTF Executive Board Meetings, keep records of any motions and voting handled through email, and send other correspondence as directed.

Section 7.10 The Chaplain shall present a devotional and lead the prayer at all Executive Board and PTF meetings shall encourage prayer that the endeavors of this organization shall be under God's leading.

Section 7.11 All officers shall:

a) Attend Executive Board and PTF meetings.

b) Perform the duties prescribed in the Parliamentary Authority in addition to those outlined in these By-Laws and those assigned from time to time.

c) Keep accurate records of the duties they perform on a monthly basis and deliver to their successors all official material no later than ten (10) days following the meeting at which the new officers are installed.

Section 7.12 In the event any officer of the Executive Board does not satisfactorily fulfill his/her duties as outlined under Article VII as determined by the majority agreement of the Past President(s), President(s), and President(s)-Elect, that officer shall be removed from his/her PTF position.

Section 7.13 The duties of the Executive Board are to strengthen the position of the President(s), to transact any necessary business and to act in emergencies.


Section 8.01 Only members of the PTF shall be eligible to serve in an appointive position.

Section 8.02 The chairman of the standing and special committees shall be selected by the PTF President(s) of the Executive Board. The term by each chairman shall be one year or until the election or appointment of that person's successor.

Section 8.03 The power to form standing and special committees and appoint their member rests with the PTF Executive Board. The PTF Executive Board may create such standing and special committees as it deems necessary to promote the objective and carry on the work of PTF. As a standing or special committee is created and appointed for a specific purpose, it automatically terminated when its work is done and its final report is received.

Section 8.04 The President(s) shall be an “ex officio”: (by virtue of or because of his/her office) member of all committees except for the nominating Committee.


Section 9.01 Duties of the chairman of standing and special committees include the following:

a) Attend monthly PTF meetings.

b) Transact necessary business in the intervals between PTF meetings and such other business as may be referred to it by the PTF.

c) Present a report when necessary.

d) Act upon the treasurer's recommendations and disperse all monies on an annual basis, leaving adequate operating funds for the beginning of the next school year.

Section 9.02 In the event any chairman of a standing or special committee does not satisfactorily fulfill his/her duties as a term and by the majority agreement of the Past President(s), President(s), and President-Elect, that officer shall be removed from his/her PTF position.


Section 10.01 Robert’s rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Parent-Teacher Fellowship in all cases in which they are applicable and which they are not in conflict with these By-Laws.

Section 10.02 A committee may be appointed by the Executive Board to review and revise the existing by-laws.

Section 10.03 The By-Laws may be revised or amended at any PTF Executive Board meeting by a simple majority vote of the members present.

March 18, 2018